Hello friends,
We have quite a list of interesting music happening at rehearsal this summer. As you can see from the Subject line, one of the arrangements happens to be "That's Life."
Thinking on the group of ladies we have singing right now, we have at least that much variety too.
I know we have "teachers" and "trainers" and "tutors" and "talkers."
There might be "nurses" and nurturers" and a "nutritionist" too.
While I think a few minutes, "What do you do?"
I know we have an engineer, an attorney, and accounting folks too.
A pianist, a horn player, a fashionista or two.
We have crafty hands and caring hands, cuddling hands as well.
Here's the question, "What do you do?"
As you can see, we have a wide variety of singers who come together for singing and socializing every Monday evening at 7:00. We would be delighted if you came for a visit, stayed for a song, and even joined us for a few weeks. (Fall POP program starts October 7, 2024.)
What life work would you contribute to the mixture we already have.
Upcoming events in the life of Vallee de Croix Chorus include:
1. Singing at Zvago Senior Living Center, July 29, 2024.
2. St. Paul Saints National Anthem with all area barbershop choruses, male and female. August 10, 2024.
3. Combined Twin Cities Show Chorus and Vallee de Croix Chorus show, Como Park Pavilion, August 18, 2024, 3:00 pm
4. Fall or Christmas show.